
Las Tolas
Bird Watching with Salomon
If you are looking for a unique experience bird watching in the Ecuadorian cloud forest, then you have come to the right place!
Join Salomon Perez, a qualified, experienced and passionate guide for the bird watching trip of a lifetime. Â Ecuador is renowned for its abundance of bird species and Las Tolas and the surrounding cloud forests are the perfect place to view many of these spectacular birds. Â
Stay in a local guest house or home stay in the community of Las Tolas and tailor make your trip to get the full experience. Â The tours can be arranged to suit your itinerary, from a couple of days to spot the birds on your wish list to a month of bird watching and walking in the cloud forests.
All bird watching trips can be organised independently of the volunteering placements in Las Tolas or you are able to do an integrated visit, incorporating both parts, along with visits to local hostorical sights.
Salomon is very willing to talk to you and arrange a visit to suit your needs. Â The selection included below are examples of the birds that can be seen in the locality of Las Tolas, but there are many more and Salomon knows the best places to take you to to guarantee a sighting.

Toucan Barbet
Long-tailed Potoo
Violet-Tailed Sylph
Banded Ground Cuckoo
Smoke Coloured Pewee
17 Different Hummingbird Species
Andean Condor
Striped Cuckoo
Turkey Vulture
Andino Cock of the Rock
Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
Scaled Fruiteater
Powerful Woodpecker
Pale Mandibled Aracari
Wattled Guan
Black Tipped Cotinga

Long-wattled Umbrellabird
Black Solitaire
Moss-backed Tanager
Spectacled Owl
Golden Headed Quetzal
Club-winged Manakin
Golden-winged Manakin
Orange Breasted Fruiteater
...and many more!   Please do ask if you would like to know any further information about any of  the birds detailed above or sightings in Las Tolas and the surrounding area or if you are keen to see a bird, which is not listed above.
Due to the rural location of Las Tolas, it is the ideal location for bird watching of this kind. Â In addition, you will be able to experience the warmth, generosity and flavours of life in the community of Las Tolas.
Salomon will provide reference books, interpretation and can provide binoculars for bird watching, but please do bring your own, if available in addition. Â Transport to the sites is likely to be using local methods, for example milk cart and moped or on foot. Â A knowledge of basic Spanish is desirable. Â The price for the bird watching trips with Salomon will include all food, accommodation and the bird watching itinerary. Â You would need to provide your own transport to Las Tolas, but full details of the bus from Quito (2.5hours) will be provided.
For more information, details and booking, please contact Teresa Meadows, our co-ordinator at: volunteerlastolas@gmail.com.
Salomon looks forward to hearing from you – get ready for an unforgettable bird watching adventure of a lifetime.